Configuration File ================== Whenever you create a new project using ``chalice new-project``, a ``.chalice`` directory is created for you. In this directory is a ``config.json`` file that you can use to control what happens when you ``chalice deploy``:: $ tree -a . ├── .chalice │ └── config.json ├── └── requirements.txt 1 directory, 3 files .. _stage-config: Stage Specific Configuration ---------------------------- As of version 0.7.0 of chalice, you can specify configuration that is specific to a chalice stage as well as configuration that should be shared across all stages. See the :doc:`stages` doc for more information about chalice stages. * ``stages`` - This value of this key is a mapping of chalice stage name to stage configuration. Chalice assumes a default stage name of ``dev``. If you run the ``chalice new-project`` command on chalice 0.7.0 or higher, this key along with the default ``dev`` key will automatically be created for you. See the examples section below for some stage specific configurations. The following config values can either be specified per stage config or as a top level key which is not tied to a specific key. Whenever a stage specific configuration value is needed, the ``stages`` mapping is checked first. If no value is found then the top level keys will be checked. * ``api_gateway_stage`` - The name of the API gateway stage. This will also be the URL prefix for your API (``https://endpoint/prefix/your-api``). * ``manage_iam_role`` - ``true``/``false``. Indicates if you want chalice to create and update the IAM role used for your application. By default, this value is ``true``. However, if you have a pre-existing role you've created, you can set this value to ``false`` and a role will not be created or updated. ``"manage_iam_role": false`` means that you are responsible for managing the role and any associated policies associated with that role. If this value is ``false`` you must specify an ``iam_role_arn``, otherwise an error is raised when you try to run ``chalice deploy``. * ``iam_role_arn`` - If ``manage_iam_role`` is ``false``, you must specify this value that indicates which IAM role arn to use when configuration your application. This value is only used if ``manage_iam_role`` is ``false``. * ``autogen_policy`` - A boolean value that indicates if chalice should try to automatically generate an IAM policy based on analyzing your application source code. The default value is ``true``. If this value is ``false`` then chalice will load try to a local file in ``.chalice/policy-.json`` instead of auto-generating a policy from source code analysis. * ``iam_policy_file`` - When ``autogen_policy`` is false, chalice will try to load an IAM policy from disk instead of auto-generating one based on source code analysis. The default location of this file is ``.chalice/policy-.json``, e.g ``.chalice/policy-dev.json``, ``.chalice/policy-prod.json``, etc. You can change the filename by providing this ``iam_policy_file`` config option. This filename is relative to the ``.chalice`` directory. * ``environment_variables`` - A mapping of key value pairs. These key value pairs will be set as environment variables in your application. All environment variables must be strings. If this key is specified in both a stage specific config option as well as a top level key, the stage specific environment variables will be merged into the top level keys. See the examples section below for a concrete example. * ``lambda_timeout`` - An integer representing the function execution time, in seconds, at which AWS Lambda should terminate the function. The default ``lambda_timeout`` is ``60`` seconds. * ``lambda_memory_size`` - An integer representing the amount of memory, in MB, your Lambda function is given. AWS Lambda uses this memory size to infer the amount of CPU allocated to your function. The default ``lambda_memory_size`` value is ``128``. The value must be a multiple of 64 MB. * ``tags`` - A mapping of key value pairs. These key value pairs will be set as the tags on the resources running your deployed application. All tag keys and values must be strings. Similar to ``environment_variables``, if a key is specified in both a stage specific config option as well as a top level key, the stage specific tags will be merged into the top level keys. By default, all chalice deployed resources are tagged with the key ``'aws-chalice'`` whose value is ``'version={chalice-version}:stage={stage-name}:app={app-name}'``. Currently only the following chalice deployed resources are tagged: Lambda functions. * ``subnet_ids`` - A list of subnet ids for VPC configuration. This value can be provided per stage as well as per Lambda function. In order for this value to take effect, you must also provide the ``security_group_ids`` value. When both values are provided and ``autogen_policy`` is True, chalice will automatically update your IAM role with the necessary permissions to create, describe, and delete ENIs. If you are managing the IAM role policy yourself, make sure to update your permissions accordingly, as described in the `AWS Lambda VPC documentation`_. * ``security_group_ids`` - A list of security groups for VPC configuration. This value can be provided per stage as well as per Lambda function. In order for this value to take effect, you must also provide the ``subnet_ids`` value. * ``reserved_concurrency`` - An integer representing each function's reserved concurrency. This value can be provided per stage as well as per Lambda function. AWS Lambda reserves this value of concurrency to each lambda deployed in this stage. If the value is set to 0, invocations to this function are blocked. If the value is unset, there will be no reserved concurrency allocations. For more information, see `AWS Documentation on managing concurrency`_. .. _lambda-config: Lambda Specific Configuration ----------------------------- In addition to a chalice stage, there are also some configuration values that can be specified per Lambda function. A chalice app can have many stages, and a stage can have many Lambda functions. To configure per lambda configuration, you add a ``lambda_functions`` key in your stage configuration:: { "version": "2.0", "app_name": "app", "stages": { "dev": { "lambda_functions": { "foo": { "lambda_timeout": 120 } } } } } Each key in the ``lambda_functions`` dictionary is the name of a Lambda function in your app. The value is a dictionary of configuration that will be applied to that function. These are the configuration options that can be applied per function: * ``iam_policy_file`` * ``lambda_memory_size`` * ``lambda_timeout`` * ``iam_role_arn`` * ``manage_iam_role`` * ``autogen_policy`` * ``environment_variables`` * ``tags`` * ``subnet_ids`` * ``security_group_ids`` * ``reserved_concurrency`` See the :ref:`stage-config` section above for a description of these config options. Examples -------- Below are examples that show how you can configure your chalice app. IAM Roles and Policies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here's an example for configuring IAM policies across stages:: { "version": "2.0", "app_name": "app", "stages": { "dev": { "autogen_policy": true, "api_gateway_stage": "dev" }, "beta": { "autogen_policy": false, "iam_policy_file": "beta-app-policy.json" }, "prod": { "manage_iam_role": false, "iam_role_arn": "arn:aws:iam::...:role/prod-role" } } } In this config file we're specifying three stages, ``dev``, ``beta``, and ``prod``. In the ``dev`` stage, chalice will automatically generate an IAM policy based on analyzing the application source code. For the ``beta`` stage, chalice will load the ``.chalice/beta-app-policy.json`` file and use it as the policy to associate with the IAM role for that stage. In the ``prod`` stage, chalice won't modify any IAM roles. It will just set the IAM role for the Lambda function to be ``arn:aws:iam::...:role/prod-role``. Here's an example that show config precedence:: { "version": "2.0", "app_name": "app", "api_gateway_stage": "api", "stages": { "dev": { }, "beta": { }, "prod": { "api_gateway_stage": "prod", "manage_iam_role": false, "iam_role_arn": "arn:aws:iam::...:role/prod-role" } } } In this config file, both the ``dev`` and ``beta`` stage will have an API gateway stage name of ``api`` because they will default to the top level ``api_gateway_stage`` key. However, the ``prod`` stage will have an API gateway stage name of ``prod`` because the ``api_gateway_stage`` is specified in ``{"stages": {"prod": ...}}`` mapping. Environment Variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the following example, environment variables are specified both as top level keys as well as per stage. This allows us to provide environment variables that all stages should have as well as stage specific environment variables:: { "version": "2.0", "app_name": "app", "environment_variables": { "SHARED_CONFIG": "foo", "OTHER_CONFIG": "from-top" }, "stages": { "dev": { "environment_variables": { "TABLE_NAME": "dev-table", "OTHER_CONFIG": "dev-value" } }, "prod": { "environment_variables": { "TABLE_NAME": "prod-table", "OTHER_CONFIG": "prod-value" } } } } For the above config, the ``dev`` stage will have the following environment variables set:: { "SHARED_CONFIG": "foo", "TABLE_NAME": "dev-table", "OTHER_CONFIG": "dev-value", } The ``prod`` stage will have these environment variables set:: { "SHARED_CONFIG": "foo", "TABLE_NAME": "prod-table", "OTHER_CONFIG": "prod-value", } Per Lambda Examples ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Suppose we had the following chalice app: .. code-block:: python from chalice import Chalice app = Chalice(app_name='demo') @app.lambda_function() def foo(event, context): pass @app.lambda_function() def bar(event, context): pass Given these two functions, we'd like to configure the functions as follows: * Both functions should have an environment variable ``OWNER`` with value ``dev-team``. * The ``foo`` function should have an autogenerated IAM policy managed by chalice. * The ``foo`` function should be run in a VPC with subnet ids ``sn-1`` and ``sn-2``, with security groups ``sg-10`` and ``sg-11``. Chalice should also automatically configure the IAM policy with permissions to modify EC2 network interfaces. * The ``bar`` function should use a pre-existing IAM role that was created outside of chalice. Chalice should not perform an IAM role management for the ``bar`` function. * The ``bar`` function should have an environment variable ``TABLE_NAME`` with value ``mytable``. We can accomplish all this with this config file:: { "stages": { "dev": { "environment_variables": { "OWNER": "dev-team" } "api_gateway_stage": "api", "lambda_functions": { "foo": { "subnet_ids": ["sn-1", "sn-2"], "security_group_ids": ["sg-10", "sg-11"], }, "bar": { "manage_iam_role": false, "iam_role_arn": "arn:aws:iam::my-role-name", "environment_variables": {"TABLE_NAME": "mytable"} } } } }, "version": "2.0", "app_name": "demo" } .. _AWS Lambda VPC documentation: .. _AWS Documentation on managing concurrency: