Authorization ============= Chalice supports multiple mechanisms for authorization. This topic covers how you can integrate authorization into your Chalice applications. In Chalice, all the authorizers are configured per-route and specified using the ``authorizer`` kwarg to an ``@app.route()`` call. You control which type of authorizer to use based on what's passed as the ``authorizer`` kwarg. You can use the same authorizer instance for multiple routes. The first set of authorizers chalice supports cover the scenario where you have some existing authorization mechanism that you just want your Chalice app to use. Chalice also supports built-in authorizers, which allows Chalice to manage your custom authorizers as part of ``chalice deploy``. This is covered in the Built-in Authorizers section. AWS IAM Authorizer ------------------ The IAM Authorizer allows you to control access to API Gateway with `IAM permissions`_ To associate an IAM authorizer with a route in chalice, you use the :class:`IAMAUthorizer` class: .. code-block:: python from chalice import IAMAuthorizer authorizer = IAMAuthorizer() @app.route('/iam-auth', methods=['GET'], authorizer=authorizer) def authenticated(): return {"success": True} See the `API Gateway documentation `__ for more information on controlling access to API Gateway with IAM permissions. Amazon Cognito User Pools ------------------------- In addition to using IAM roles and policies with the :class:`IAMAuthorizer` you can also use a `Cognito user pools`_ to control who can access your Chalice app. A cognito user pool serves as your own identity provider to maintain a user directory. To integrate Cognito user pools with Chalice, you'll need to have an existing cognito user pool configured. .. code-block:: python from chalice import CognitoUserPoolAuthorizer authorizer = CognitoUserPoolAuthorizer( 'MyPool', provider_arns=['arn:aws:cognito:...:userpool/name']) @app.route('/user-pools', methods=['GET'], authorizer=authorizer) def authenticated(): return {"success": True} For more information about using Cognito user pools with API Gateway, see the `Use Amazon Cognito User Pools documentation `__. Custom Authorizers ------------------ API Gateway also lets you write custom authorizers using a Lambda function. You can configure a Chalice route to use a pre-existing Lambda function as a custom authorizer. If you also want to write and manage your Lambda authorizer using Chalice, see the next section, Built-in Authorizers. To connect an existing Lambda function as a custom authorizer in chalice, you use the ``CustomAuthorizer`` class: .. code-block:: python from chalice import CustomAuthorizer authorizer = CustomAuthorizer( 'MyCustomAuth', header='Authorization', authorizer_uri=('arn:aws:apigateway:region:lambda:path/2015-03-31' '/functions/arn:aws:lambda:region:account-id:' 'function:FunctionName/invocations')) @app.route('/custom-auth', methods=['GET'], authorizer=authorizer) def authenticated(): return {"success": True} Built-in Authorizers -------------------- The ``IAMAuthorizer``, ``CognitoUserPoolAuthorizer``, and the ``CustomAuthorizer`` classes are all for cases where you have existing resources for managing authorization and you want to wire them together with your Chalice app. A Built-in authorizer is used when you'd like to write your custom authorizer in Chalice, and have the additional Lambda functions managed when you run ``chalice deploy/delete``. This section will cover how to use the built-in authorizers in chalice. Creating an authorizer in chalice requires you use the ``@app.authorizer`` decorator to a function. The function must accept a single arg, which will be an instance of :class:`AuthRequest`. The function must return a :class:`AuthResponse`. As an example, we'll port the example from the `API Gateway documentation`_. First, we'll show the code and then walk through it: .. code-block:: python from chalice import Chalice, AuthResponse app = Chalice(app_name='demoauth1') @app.authorizer() def demo_auth(auth_request): token = auth_request.token # This is just for demo purposes as shown in the API Gateway docs. # Normally you'd call an oauth provider, validate the # jwt token, etc. # In this exampe, the token is treated as the status for demo # purposes. if token == 'allow': return AuthResponse(routes=['/'], principal_id='user') else: # By specifying an empty list of routes, # we're saying this user is not authorized # for any URLs, which will result in an # Unauthorized response. return AuthResponse(routes=[], principal_id='user') @app.route('/', authorizer=demo_auth) def index(): return {'context': app.current_request.context} In the example above we define a built-in authorizer by decorating the ``demo_auth`` function with the ``@app.authorizer()`` decorator. Note you must use ``@app.authorizer()`` and not ``@app.authorizer``. A built-in authorizer function has this type signature:: def auth_handler(auth_request: AuthRequest) -> AuthResponse: ... Within the auth handler you must determine if the request is authorized or not. The ``AuthResponse`` contains the allowed URLs as well as the principal id of the user. You can optionally return a dictionary of key value pairs (as the ``context`` kwarg). This dictionary will be passed through on subsequent requests. In our example above we're not using the context dictionary. Now let's deploy our app. As usual, we just need to run ``chalice deploy`` and chalice will automatically deploy all the necessary Lambda functions for us. Now when we try to make a request, we'll get an Unauthorized error:: $ http HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized { "message": "Unauthorized" } If we add the appropriate authorization header, we'll see the call succeed:: $ http 'Authorization: allow' HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "context": { "accountId": "12345", "apiId": "api", "authorizer": { "principalId": "user" }, "httpMethod": "GET", "identity": { "accessKey": null, "accountId": null, "apiKey": "", "caller": null, "cognitoAuthenticationProvider": null, "cognitoAuthenticationType": null, "cognitoIdentityId": null, "cognitoIdentityPoolId": null, "sourceIp": "", "user": null, "userAgent": "HTTPie/0.9.9", "userArn": null }, "path": "/api/", "requestId": "d35d2063-56be-11e7-9ce1-dd61c24a3668", "resourceId": "id", "resourcePath": "/", "stage": "dev" } } The low level API for API Gateway's custom authorizer feature requires that an IAM policy must be returned. The :class:`AuthResponse` class we're using is a wrapper over building the IAM policy ourself. If you want low level control and would prefer to contruct the IAM policy yourself you can return a dictionary of the IAM policy instead of an instance of :class:`AuthResponse`. If you do that, the dictionary is returned without modification back to API Gateway. For more information on custom authorizers, see the `Use API Gateway Custom Authorizers `__ page in the API Gateway user guide. .. _IAM permissions: .. _Cognito User Pools: .. _API Gateway documentation: